Fellow members, Having examined the briefings from the organisations we affiliate to, and their reaction to the current pandemic, I feel it’s time that we in the Ivy Cycling Club take positive actions to support the generic war-effort to avoid the unnecessary spread of this dangerous virus. As your chairman, it’s not my remit to impose restrictions, so my intent with this communication is merely to express an opinion which I am confident will be a catalyst for us to take action. As the CTT, VTTA, and British Cycling have as good as suspended all outdoor activity for a protracted period, I feel it is only right that we in the Ivy follow an unabbreviated course of action and do likewise. To all of us, the removal of what is a massive part of what we live for, seems like a huge sacrifice. We have seen in the media the devil-may-care attitude displayed by the less well informed members of the British public, unaware of the potential effects of their bravado. I’d like to think that us guys in the Ivy are a bit more mature and considerate than that and we are responsible enough to do the right thing. Remember guys, this is not about us. It’s about the people we could infect due to our disregard, and god forbid, that could result in a fatality of a vulnerable person. By exercising social distancing for a period of time we can put our hands on our hearts and say that we have been responsible, considerate and sacrificed our beloved leisure activity for the greater good. Please join me in following the sound medical advice which is currently available via all media channels, and impose upon ourselves a period of social distancing and protect not only the vulnerable members of this club, but also their friends, family and work colleagues. I will ensure the secretary gets this message to all Ivy members, and I look forward to seeing you all fit and healthy once this unprecedented threat has been removed. Burn rubber on those turbos!!! ......and wash your hands for 20 seconds afterwards 😀 Gus McLafferty Club Chairman Ivy Cycling Club
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